
Hear here: Lorde – Bravado

11 Jul

You may have heard another one of Lorde’s tunes, “Royals” which has been hitting a few airwaves, but this is the one I can’t seem to get out of my head. “Bravado” kind of hits me as almost a female-version of The Weeknd’s first hit “High For This.” It sort of has two-sides: a soft, slow-burning haunted-ness then melded with a more tense, dramatic electro and drums infused hook. It’s a great fusion, and it’s been getting numerous plays from me. Check it out!

Fresh Music: Eric Turner feat. Lupe Fiasco & Tinie Tempah-Angels & Stars

3 Feb

Lupe joins the “Written In The Stars” duo of Turner/Tempah for another upbeat jam that’ll get stuck in your head.

Song On PermaPlay:The Glitch Mob-We Can Make The World Stop

2 Feb

On Repeat. For days. All day of those days.  Just when you think it’s reached its peak of coolness, it gets more epic. #Amazery

Movie Review: Chronicle

2 Feb

Uncle Ben said it best: “With great power comes great responsibility.” – Spiderman

The movie Chronicle follows the lives of 3 high school boys: Andrew, Matt and Steve, who are circumstantial recipients of “superpowers” following a mysterious “event” on the eve of a party.  The film follows them with a “found-footage”-style camera, basically meant to feel like a documentary made by the cast.

I went into this movie not knowing what to expect. I had heard it was “Cloverfield” meets “Heroes” and that actually was a pretty good summary. It’s not a real deep movie, you’re not forced to really solve anything, but it is told well and you can just sit back and enjoy the ride.

The three main characters, Andrew, Matt and Steve are played by Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, and Michael B. Jordan (no not that one.) I hadn’t seen any of them in anything before, but I thought they did pretty well, especially DeHaan.  Andrew is a creepy geek without any friends, and lives with the burden of a sick mother and an abusive, alcoholic father. Matt is Andrew’s cousin who really only befriends him because he “has to” by being related. Steve is “Mr.Popular” at high school, a sports star, with political aspirations as well. Before the “event” these 3 really had nothing in common. One fateful night though, brought them together, and would have a lasting impact on their lives and friendships.

I won’t give away how, or from what they received their “powers” but shortly after this “event” strange things start occurring. Andrew, Matt and Steve randomly discover that they can do peculiar things, non-human-like things like picking up a pebble, and skipping it across the pond. With their minds.

Without getting too revealing, the boys have fun learning more about, and compounding their powers to levels they never imagined. It’s the classic tale of finding power, adoring that power, and as in many cases before, the eventual abuse of that power.

Chronicle is a fun, intense, sometimes funny, mysterious film that I definitely recommend. As I was walking to my car afterwards, I couldn’t help but dream what it would be like to “fly” home instead…

Movie Review: The Woman In Black

1 Feb

For the amount of movie screenings that I go to, I’m really doing myself, and my followers a disservice by not reviewing them. First, I am extremely fortunate to say I’ve been to probably 40+ movie screenings in the past few years thanks to Gofobo, 43Kix, etc. and I wish I had record of all of them.

Solution: I like to write, and I can document al of those movies on this blog! Hooray!

First movie since my epiphany is the horror/thriller The Woman In Black.

There were two reasons that I wanted to see this movie: The first was that it was a scary movie, I have always enjoyed a little scare fest, and secondly, it had Daniel Radcliffe in it. I wanted to see what Harry Potter was like when he wasn’t being all Harry Potter-ish. The result was pretty solid!

The Woman In Black is a bit of a slow mover. There isn’t a ton of shock value, but there is an underlying tension throughout the entire movie. Some if it comes from the insanely dim and drab atmosphere, and more comes from the fact that there isn’t a ton of dialogue. The quietness overwhelms you a bit, so you’re ALWAYS expecting something to pop out and scare you.

Radcliffe, as Walter Kipps, does a nice job at seperating himself a bit from his boy-wizardness in this film. It’s a gritty role that involves blood, casualties, and a side of him that we haven’t seen yet on film.

The movie does offer up some nice, jumpy scares and some imagery that will stick in your head for inconvenient remembrance later on. (Like this morning as I was getting my lunch from the dim-lit kitchen.) It doesn’t feel too lengthy, and delivers an ending that is somewhat “twisty.”

I left the theater feeling that I had seen an overall good movie, and mentioned to my wife that if I were to “star” it out of four, that it would probably receive a three.

In an era where horror films often rely on blood and guts, this relies on tension-building, atmosphere, and well-timed creepery. It’s a good first step from Radcliffe post-Potter, and a good step to take out of your door if you want to see a solid horror flick.

My Favorite Tracks As of Right Now

1 Feb

Lupe Fiasco feat. Skylar Grey-Words I Never Said

D-12-Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Skylar Grey-Love The Way You Lie (Original before she gave to Rihanna/Em)

Tinie Tempah feat. Eric Turner-Written In The Stars

Phantogram-When I’m Small

Chemical Brothers-Don’t Think


A Collection in Recovery Mode

30 Jan

My collection is slowly building again. The next few months is stacked with tons of heat coming out. So…. I need to figure out ways to acquire more money. May have to flip a pair or two of what I have. Who knows. My most recent pickup is the Nike Air Foamposite One Neon Royal Black. Nickname “Penny Foams.” These were worn by Anfernee Hardaway back in his prime. I’ve been in love with these since the early 2000’s and they finally retroed. Thanks to mom and pop shops for letting me snag early!

Nike Air Foamposite One

Nike Air Max 90 Infrared

Air Jordan Retro XIII

Nike Zoom Air Kobe V

Air Jordan Retro III Cement

New Pickup:Air Jordan Retro 3 Cements

30 Jan

I finally got em. It’s been 8 years old friend. The Jordan Retro 3’s came out again this past Saturday the 22nd for the first time since 2003.

Last time around I waited too long, ended up buying a size too big and having to sell em.

This time there was no playing around. Got em online the night before where some site release at 11PM. I ordered 2, one to wear, and one to either sell or hang on to deadstock. Then I got nervous about the site I ordered from. I heard rumors on Niketalk that Finishline was notorious for overselling and cancelling orders so I ordered from Eastbay as well.

Now I’ve got a plethora, and while two will be going back, I’m just enjoying the view for now.

Dexter and Dwight in the same movie!

29 Jan


DEXTER (Michael C. Hall)


Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson)


Two standout figures in television today with very, very different characters. One kills with laughter, one kills with knives and power tools. You probably wouldn’t think you’d see them in a movie together, but as the following trailer will show, these guys have some serious range when it comes to acting chops.

This morning Rainn Wilson (Dwight) tweeted about an upcoming movie he’s in with a “crazy” cast, and clicked the trailer. His upcoming movie features himself, as the “low-life brother”, Michael C. Hall as the “brother the family is proud of.” This one had me convinced I wanted to see it as soon as I realized both Wilson and Hall were in it.

As the trailer for “Peep World” unfolds, notable actor after notable actor pops up and the preview gives me the feeling that this one will be dark, comical, as well as smart.

Definitely marking this one down in the brain calendar to see.

Check it out!

A Sneaker Geek, Once Again

28 Jan

Well, I’ve fallen in love once again with an old mistress. The shoe game. And by fallen, I mean plummeted. Hard.

In high school myself, along with my friends all began to dabble in what can be called “the shoe game.” The process of researching, buying, keeping or not keeping, limited release shoes, mostly of the Nike or Jordan kind.

The thing about a shoe head is that the process of buying the shoe may be hectic and crazy. There are many others like me out in the world. You go to Footlocker, Champs, Finish Line, etc at least an hour before open so you can score a new pair of kicks. Either that or you camp at your computer before midnight the night before official release day.

There are 2 main options for what to do once you get the shoes.

1. Wear them, in all their glory, while you “break necks” out in public. Some people (like myself) have a tough time un-ds’ing them. DS, which means deadstock, or never worn keeps them in pristine condition, which leads into….

2. Keep them in the box, brand new, and hope to resell them in a month or two or more, when they are no longer in stores, and are scarce. Then the other shoe fiends who missed out on them will dole out double their retail price to get them off your hands. This is the business-like maneuver, re-selling.

It’s a big, crazy world full of impulse buying, trading, selling and adoring sneakers.

I can understand why it’s a weird hobby to some, but either way, whether you’re a collector who loves to keep a sick arsenal and break them out every once in a while, or you just buy them to resell and make a few extra bucks, the art and craft that comes with being a sneaker geek is a riveting experience that I’m glad I’m a part of again.

Game on.

My next victim